Besides my massive need to do nothing but watch
Star Trek: The Next Generation this summer (which I've had to force myself to take a slight break from due to way too much watching), I've managed to do a few things. Although, I feel really guilty from my lack of photo-ing (which I blame on the the lack of adventures in my life, but that is a huge lie). Anyways, this is a brief
overview of the past week.
My last saturday of June was spent at a yard sale for my youth group. We sold about a hundred dollars worth of stuff, (not our goal but pretty good for little advertisement and such), and besides it being massively hot and getting sick because of it and little sleep. I found a liger, which brought back so many childhood memories, and anger (seriously wtf happen to Cartoon Network after the early 00's?).

Later that night I went to drive-in for not only the first time this summer, but the first time in several years. I have memories of the last time I went being when the Hey Arnold movie came out, but that can't be true because that would have been a really long time ago. Seriously. The drive in is doing much better then people have led it to sound. It was packed, (I'm not sure if
that was because Toy Story 3 was playing). Becky had borrowed her mom's car and it has this charming quality of changing the radio station without anyone touching it, so we probably annoyed a few people in the process. Her daughter, who is about a year and a half, probably thinks the movies means you get food. ha. It was nice to hang out with her since it had been awhile.
The next morning, after a little sleep (staying up to watch the last episode of this season Doctor Who was more important), I dragged myself to church because the current pastor was retiring and they were holding a party for him.
After the retirement party my aunt was having a garden party so we went up to her house in the mountains. The presentation was okay but the food and things afterwards were more fun. My cousin's kids were quite amusing, the girls kept sticking their heads in the fountain to cool off, and little Will had all kinds of things all over coloring his white beater, which was pretty cute.
Not much happened for the next couple of days. Some work, more work but on thursday my dad took us to D.C. because he wanted to see one of the museums done there that had been closed when we had went down there two years ago. We parked like over twenty blocks away from the mall, so it took a good bit of time to walk there (and then back later). We took a tour of the U.S. Capital (not all of it, just a couple of the rooms), which wasn't very long, and they talked a bunch about statues (which I guess are very important).
I was a little less excited about the walking around in the heat (the breeze was nice thou) and I was pretty much tired and thirsty the whole time. We walked back around the capital to the mall after that to the Museum of American History which wasn't that interesting to most of us. I did find a display of older cameras which was probably my favorite thing there, because the costumes from the Lion King Broadway musical they had on display. It kind of amazes me the things they consider items to put in there. I mean, Willie Nelson's old beat up sneakers are considered history? I can understand displaying dresses from the most famous jazz singers, but sneakers? Maybe that's just me. Although, I thought being able to see most of Julia Child's kitchen was pretty interesting.

After that I wanted to go the folk festival that they were holding in the mall but, no one really wanted to go to it besides me (and thankfully we left when we did or we would have been stuck in rush hour traffic forever). We treked back to the car and after getting stuck in traffic out of D.C. to Baltimore we stopped in a diner in Maryland for dinner and didn't get back home till super late.
And besides work on friday and today, that was my week in general. 4th of July plans? Nah, but I hope I can enjoy my day off, because I work six days out of seven next week. super.
2010 movie count: no movies. see below.
STNG count: Almost finished with season five. It's all I watch.